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When you first open benny a couple of windows should appear:

The benny launcher window

benny launcher window

The dropdown lets you pick the hardware setup you're using, and the start button starts benny. The buttons access audio/VST/hardware setup pages. If you scroll down there are some features for people developing their own blocks or improving benny.

You can drag and drop song .json files onto the benny logo to open them directly.

The max/msp console window

max msp console window

This is the max/msp console window. benny prints information about what's going on here. if something goes wrong, there may well be useful messages here explaining what and why.

If the console isn't visible when you start benny, select the benny launcher and press ctrl-shift-M to bring it up.

Additionally the 'project' window sometimes (randomly) opens. You can just close this.

The benny window

When you press start the main benny window opens. F11 makes it fullscreen.

benny main window