Top bar

picture of the top bar

the top bar is almost always visible and contains (from left to right):

  • cpu meter - shows range of cpu usage in the last few frames. click it to bring up the resource utilisation page in the sidebar.

  • play button - starts and stops the global transport. black = stopped, yellow = playing. when loading songs the surround of this button is grey until everything has loaded. you're still free to press play before loading completes.

  • hardware input meters - in order, every hardware audio input you have set up. clicking the meter shows a scope. clicking the title in that scope selects the block that output is a part of, if it is present in the patch.

  • hardware output meters - meters for all your outputs to hardware. as with all meters in benny these show min/max values in the last frame.

  • resync button - when you press this, on the next '1' of the global clock, all sequencers (and other blocks that support this) will reset their playhead counters and attempt to resynchronise

  • all off - pressing this tells every block to stop all playing notes, or equivalent. the keyboard shortcut for this is `, the key to the left of the numbers row.

  • panels - switches to the panels page. ctrl click switches to the panels page layout editor

  • blocks - switches to the blocks page. ctrl click switches to the flock view, if any blocks have flocking enabled.

  • waves - switches to the waves page.

  • files - opens the load / save sidebar. holding ctrl makes this button into a load / save button that pops open a file selection dialog directly.